D Group - Distributed Energy Resources (28)
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The detail of the application will be shown in this column
Logical Node | Application | |
1 | DCCT | DER economic dispatch parameters |
2 | DCHB | Boiler |
3 | DCHC | CHP system controller |
4 | DCIP | Reciprocating engine |
5 | DCRP | DER plant corporate characteristics at the ECP |
6 | DCTS | Thermal storage |
7 | DEXC | Excitation |
8 | DFCL | Fuel cell controller |
9 | DFLV | Fuel delivery system |
10 | DFPM | Fuel processing module |
11 | DGEN | DER unit generator |
12 | DOPA | DER operational authority at the ECP |
13 | DOPM | Operating mode at ECP |
14 | DOPR | Operational characteristics at ECP |
15 | DPST | Status information at the ECP |
16 | DPVA | Photovoltaics array characteristics |
17 | DPVC | Photovoltaics array controller |
18 | DPVM | Photovoltaics module ratings |
19 | DRAT | DER generator ratings |
20 | DRAZ | DER advanced generator ratings |
21 | DRCC | DER supervisory control |
22 | DRCS | DER controller status |
23 | DRCT | DER controller characteristics |
24 | DREX | Excitation ratings |
25 | DSCC | DER energy and/or ancillary services schedule |
26 | DSCH | DER energy and/or ancillary services schedule |
27 | DSFC | Speed/Frequency controller |
28 | DSTK | Fuel cell stack |
Contact Me
A phone call is nearly always welcome depending on the time of night wherever I am in the world.
Based in Adelaide UTC +9:30 hours e.g.
April-September | Noon UK = 2030 Adelaide |
October-March: | Noon UK = 2230 Adelaide |
Mobile + 61 419 845 253
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