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"The problem is not people being uneducated.

The problem is that they are educated just enough to believe what they've been taught.

And not educated enough to question what they've been taught."

... attributed to Professor Richard Feynman

My protection career started straight out of University working with three gentlemen for whom my respect and thanks are endless.

W.F. (Bill) Backhouse     E.D. (Ted) Ransom     Bert Thorn

Both Bill and Ted were highly regarded technical specialists in the industry, well known in Australia and internationally.  The opportunity and support they afforded to me to "learn the trade", attend the 6-week APPS course in UK and a further 4 months in the UK engineering department was simply amazing.  Bert was the service technician who painstakingly taught me how the "mechanics" of the relays worked, and why sometimes they didn't!

Of course there were many others in Australia and in UK, but the ladies of the factory shop floor at Regents Park also deserve mention for their patience in letting me try, but could never do, what they did to tweak a contact arm or spring tension to get the calibration right!

One of my precious references from those days are two booklets that Ted had collated as a small application and technical manual - I had the feeling he was contemplating writing a "practical protection guide" at some stage but was always too busy.  On Ted's passing, Bill offered the booklets to me which I have treasured.  Some of the information Ted had collated as "common place" and some as his personal tips and insights, most of which are hard to come by these days.

So in honour to their work in the industry, and my past 40 years in the industry, I have scanned Ted's two books into this single PDF for your reading and interest.  They have been scanned exactly as Ted had put them together as a mixture of official publications and his additional information.


This Space provides some generic application information/explanation from my experiences. 

Good Advice!

This is one way to stop alarms.

Perhaps not the best .....

Photo taken 2008,
Sign placed - no idea!

I wonder if it is still in the spares cupboard?
I wonder if the spares cupboard is still there?

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Are you in need of specific training:
  • Protection Systems Engineering
  • IEC 61850 Engineering

I provide a range of courses for company-specific in-house training and occasional public invitation courses.  Contact me for details.


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A phone call is nearly always welcome depending on the time of night wherever I am in the world.
Based in Adelaide UTC +9:30 hours e.g.

April-SeptemberNoon UK = 2030 Adelaide
October-March:Noon UK = 2230 Adelaide

   Mobile + 61 419 845 253

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