International CIGRE SC B5 Colloquium 2017

International CIGRE SC B5 Colloquium 2017

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The New Zealand National Committee (NZNC) of CIGRE welcomes Study Committee B5 (Protection and Automation) to hold its 2017 Annual Meeting and associated Colloquium in Auckland, New Zealand between 11th – 15th September 2017.
(This is to be held alongside two other collocated events i.e. 2017 CIGRE Asia-Oceania Regional Council (AORC) Technical Meeting and the 2017 administrative meetings of CIGRE AORC and CIGRE Administrative Council.)

Apart from the various Working Group meetings, the SC B5 technical conference program will be held over the two days Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th September

The papers are NOT presented during the Preferential Subject Sessions but are available to delegates prior to the meeting as "pre-reading" along with the assigned Special Reporter's summary and "questions arising from the papers".
The conference is totally devoted to the audience presenting prepared short "3 minute" answers to questions previously posed by the Special Reporter..

This is an excellent opportunity for you as an attendee to provide input to the international community of local practices as well as hearing other practices from other local and international delegates.

By attending the event, you not only get the benefit of having the 10-20 papers on each Preferential Subject, but also some 30-60 other Contributions from various delegates

An official web site will be released shortly,  However this Bulletin provides the main details and people to contact:  2017 CIGRE SC B5 Annual Meeting and Colloquium Bulletin 0 version 3.pdf and the Abstract template (replace "x" with the PS number, and "cc"" with your 2-letter country code) B5_2017_PSx_cc_surname.doc

PS1 - Challenges of design and maintenance of IEC 61850 based systems

  • Interoperability on PACS level for IED, Merging Units, time synchronisation and communication networks
  • Requirements facilitating IED replacements and PACS extensions
  • PACS configuration management including SCL handling and IED- and switch configuration

PS2 - Protection issues in modern power systems with renewable generation and storage

  • Modeling of inverter-based sources for protection and automation
  • Recommendations for the short circuit response of inverter-based sources.
  • Protection challenges and solutions for applications near non-conventional sources.

PS3 - The Impact on Protection and Control from Working Existing Assets Harder

  • Refurbishment strategies of PAC Systems
  • Series compensation
  • Dynamic/flexible line rating & climatic conditions

Course contact
Are you in need of specific training:
  • Protection Systems Engineering
  • IEC 61850 Engineering

I provide a range of courses for company-specific in-house training and occasional public invitation courses.  Contact me for details.


Contact Me

Email Me

A phone call is nearly always welcome depending on the time of night wherever I am in the world.
Based in Adelaide UTC +9:30 hours e.g.

April-SeptemberNoon UK = 2030 Adelaide
October-March:Noon UK = 2230 Adelaide

   Mobile + 61 419 845 253

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