Developing Protection Skills

Developing Protection Skills

Power system protection is often referred to as a "black art" rather than science.

It is true that the protection engineer must deal with

  • kA to mA
  • kV to mV
  • s to μs
  • MHz to Hz
  • Mbit to bit
  • Mbit/s to bit/s
  • 10's of km to cm

.. all at least million-to-one ranges, which therefore sometimes is seen as the work of a few select "secret society" people - you are either in or out making it look like a "black art".

However there are key "science" components that every protection engineer and technician need to know to competently work on the "art" of protection.

Rod Hughes has been providing protection training in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and even 10-day training courses since 1985.
This exceptional experience in both the technology and training of others, many of whom have gone on in their own right as gurus in their organisations, gives Rod's courses a unique flair for explaining complex issues in practical terms.

Rod Hughes Consulting is therefore proud to offer protection courses for public invitation and /or private in-house requirements.

Please refer to the pages listed below for specific courses on offer.

Registration is via the online system - links provided in each course page.

Download course synopsis:  Protection 2-day Essential Technology.pdf.

Protection Essentials: 2016 Christchurch NZ