GOOSE "Wheel" Visualisation and Verification

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Click here to ask for a quote for 3 month, 6 month or 12 month subscriptions for

  • Full Package
  • Visualisation
  • Diagnostics
  • Live View

Creating GOOSE publishing and GOOSE subscriptions is at the heart of deploying most IEC 61850 based electricity infrastructure automation systems.

The infamous Excel spreadsheet is the typical way GOOSE is “engineered” although good System Configuration Tools may offer some graphical mechanisms as well.

However as the “heart” of the protection system operation, it is vital to be able to visualise and verify/validate that the actual GOOSE configurations have been properly represented in the final <<SCD>> System Configuration Language file.  It is simply not possible/practical to do this by reading the millions of lines of XML text in the files!

Visualisation and interrogation is essential to the quality assurance of what we think has been configured is in fact correctly configured BEFORE deployment to the IEDs.

This Quality Assurance stage may be part of the original system implementation engineering to p[rove that you have satisfied the asset owner's design brief, or perhaps even implemented the functions according to their GOOSE standards. 

Or perhaps it is part of a subsequent augmentation or replacement program for installing and connecting new iEDs to the existing operational system. You don’t have “unlimited” time on site to debug the configuration and play with creating modified SCL files "on the spot" with your fingers crossed you haven't upset some other part of the existing configuration.

Guess work and "chasing your tail" is not a good approach to system engineering!.

Just think of all the drawing reviews and approval processes of wire based system drawings, versus what processes and tools you can use for GOOSE configuration of the same types of signals as the wire based systems.  Just because the signals are now carried as messages over a LAN does not justify ignoring quality Assurance methodologies ... in fact they are probably even more critical because so much more can be done with publishing and subscribing in a virtual environment.

In fact this is even more important as the Publishing and Subscription engineering of IEDs are totally independent - i..e you can engineer Publishing without any specific associated Subscription, and the Publisher IED has no "knowledge" of which IEDs have been engineered to subscribe to any particular GOOSE.  Hence it is "easy" to create  GOOSE which is not used by any other IED, and it is equally "easy" to configure an IED to subscribe to a GOOSE that does not exist!

Tekvel's GOOSE Wheel is a “Software as a Service” tool where you can see and interrogate the actual SCL file configurations.  Simply upload your SCL file to the online tool and interact with the results!


Then select a GOOSE or IED to "interrogate" its configuration:

and of course see reports of the actual configuration problems.

Course contact
Are you in need of specific training:
  • Protection Systems Engineering
  • IEC 61850 Engineering

I provide a range of courses for company-specific in-house training and occasional public invitation courses.  Contact me for details.


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Based in Adelaide UTC +9:30 hours e.g.

April-SeptemberNoon UK = 2030 Adelaide
October-March:Noon UK = 2230 Adelaide

   Mobile + 61 419 845 253

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