Tutorial 4: Comments and Discussions

Tutorial 4: Comments and Discussions

The power of collaboration comes in two measures -

  1. collaboration on creating/maintaining specific site content as the 'body of knowledge'
  2. the traceability of the reasons behind the content .

There are two facilities for the second as a means to provide some 'traceability', and hence 'quality' and 'credibility' to our body of knowledge

Page Comments

At the bottom of each page is the Comments area where the discussion thread will appear.  You can create a new thread using the Add facility at the top right of the page or directly below.

General Blogg

This is virtually the same as Comments but has no specific relationship to any particular Page or topic - it is for any random thought you'd like to discuss.

On the main Dashboard you can add a Blogg to any specific Space via the facility at the top right of the page. 

You can also add a Blogg post from the entry Page after selecting a Space from the Dashboard - choose Blogg from the Add option at the top of the page.