Tutorial 3: Adding Attachments

Tutorial 3: Adding Attachments

You can add attachments using the Add facility at the top right, or the Tools>Attachments facility or as a link directly in the text on screen whilst you are in the Edit mode.

Using Tools>Attachments gives you the possibility to use the Drag-n-Drop process to upload single or multiple files - just select them in your PC file directory and drag them over to the drop zone.  Some additional comments about Drag-n-Drop are in the other FAQ pages here: Drag n Drop multiple file upload

If you use the Edit mode facility it means that if anyone uploads another file with EXACTLY the same file name using Tools>Attachments, the link will always be to the latest version and the old version will be available through the Tools>Attachments version archive (smile).  Similarly any page changes are version tracked and archived.

In the case of images/photos etc, if you add them directly into the page, once it is loaded you can select to have it shown as a thumbnail of various sizes. When users click on the thumbnail image it will automatically expand to full size for viewing.