The TISSUES process is a mechanism where aspects of the Standard can be queried specifically in relation to making improvements to the Standard.

There are moves to have a different mechanism to facilitate general feedback about the Standard which are not intended to be processed via the specific TISSUES process.

These are the TISSUES I have raised for the improvement of the Standard and its clarity for use of the Standard.

DatePartTitle of TISSUELink to TISSUEOther links
2012-07-05Part 10 Ed 1verifying no incorrect use of GGIO Say No to GGIO
2012-8-2Part 7-4 Ed 2

Duplicate definition of HzChr
2012-08-03Part 7-4 Ed 2Modelling an Electromechanical Protection function Say No to GGIO
2012-08-17Part 7-4 Ed 2Private LN instead of GGIO No to GGIO

new SFD file

3 value logic

instMag M or O 
2013-08-21Part 90-4 Ed 1EDGE vs TRUNK ports

2013-08-25Part 90-4 Ed 1wrong port connection
2013-08-30Part 7-4 Ed 2extra T LN for solar radiation

change of name of Standard    
2017-06-11Part 7-4 Ed2multiple instances of TTMP.TmpSv  
2018-03-03Part 7-4 Ed2Incorrect reference for RREC timers
2018-05-03Part 7-4 Ed 2(comment on definition)
2018-05-03Part 7-4 Ed 2

change in CDC for MMXU.Hz

Extra Notes: